想在创意领域找到一份好工作? 圣. 爱德华的 Bachelor of 艺术s in 数字叙事和内容创作 prepares you to shape, design and produce compelling interactive stories in demand by employers across sectors — and it's fun.


Explore your options — classes, internships, research and study abroad. 找到你感兴趣的, 发现你的所爱, 并创造一个重要的经验,启动你的未来. 看到 主要的指导.

The 数字故事和内容创作专业 sits at the intersection of content creation, 科技与创新. 这个领域的专业人士怀孕了, plan and produce projects in diverse digital media platforms using cutting-edge techniques and skills. 通过混合互动性, 故事结构和视觉表达, students in this major explore the opportunities and challenges raised by transmedia approaches to content design and creation. 

作为数字故事和内容创作专业的毕业生, 你将获得怀孕方面的专业知识, planning and producing digital stories for an array of audiences, 目的及雇主. And you’ll acquire the cutting-edge skills and the deep understanding needed to deploy digital interactive content in a wide range of workplaces, 来自媒体创业公司, 艺术团体,  and nonprofits to corporate public relations and marketing teams.

This 30-hour degree brings together knowledge and methods from different academic disciplines, preparing you for the highly collaborative teamwork required in today’s workplaces. 这个学位包含了对多样性的拥抱, equity and inclusion as central to producing content that helps inform and empower diverse communities.


完成你的数字故事文学学士学位 & 内容创作与硕士学位(MSDGMA) 我们的目标是在五年内获得两个学位.

成功的教练 and Academic Advisors guide students through undergraduate and graduate courses to maximize benefits. 了解更多. 


The degree is open to all students and targeted to transfers for two-year completion. 数字叙事和内容创作 courses are taught in the classroom and some courses are taught online to allow for maximum schedule flexibility. St. 爱德华学院接受AAS视觉设计学位课程, Graphic Media Production and Film and Emerging Media specializations for elective credit towards the DSCC degree. 担心成本? St. 爱德华大学提供的转学奖金平均为29,066美元. 看看这个 财政援助和奖学金信息 转学和兼职学生可以联系 金融咨询师 去了解我们能帮上什么忙.

有关项目的问题,请联系项目总监 耶希斯, Professor of 新闻与数字媒体, Associate Dean, 艺术与人文学院. The 数字故事和内容创作专业 is an interdisciplinary program housed in the 视觉研究系.


  • 学生组织与校园 资源: Get involved with student organizations that give you the opportunity to apply your storytelling and content development skills in a cross section of digital mediums.

  • 山顶的观点, the student news site, published both digitally and in print. Student journalists report news from the campus and greater Austin community. You can get involved as early as your freshman year as a writer, 编辑器, 摄影师, 摄像师或设计师.

  • 命令G 平面设计小组通过工作室参观进一步提高技能, 博物馆参观, 系列讲座, 研讨会, 丝网印刷和risograph车间.

  • 高档的广播 这个广播电台是学生经营的吗.

  • 高档的工作室 是数字媒体俱乐部吗. 会员参与创建播客, YouTube频道, 短片, 音乐录影带和喜剧小品, 帮助他们的同学制作数字内容. Students in 高档的工作室 also frequently make promotional videos for other clubs at St. 爱德华的.

  • 数字媒体中心 in the Munday 图书馆 is a resource for creating your own content and learning new skills. 在这里, 你可以制作和编辑视频, podcasts and visual design projects with the help of your fellow students. The lab is equipped with top-of-the-line computers running the latest software including the Adobe Creative Suite. 它还有一个群组编辑/播客工作室, 一个绿幕室和一个用于画外音的“耳语室”. 如果你精通软件, 硬件维修, 平面设计或视频编辑, you can apply to work in the lab as a digital media specialist.


The 数字叙事和内容创作 program is open to all students.

因为它灵活的设计, traditional undergraduates can easily major in 数字叙事和内容创作 with a double-major, minor or double-minor in a related or complementary field such as 动画, 沟通, 计算机科学, 平面设计, 数字媒体管理, 创业, 市场营销, 用户体验设计, 电子游戏开发, 写作与修辞.  

Transfer students who enter with an associate's degree will be able to graduate in two years. If you’ve taken the Texas Common Core, you’ll be able to finish in three. Some courses within the program are offered online to allow you greater flexibility in how you balance academic, 工作与家庭责任.

主要要求: 数字叙事和内容创作 requires 30 hours of major coursework.

 通识教育要求: All majors require 44 hours of general education that students complete over the course of four years, 除了他们的专业课程.

查看并下载完整的学位计划 数字故事和内容创作专业 (PDF). 查看 转学建议指南 数字故事和内容创作.


项目负责人: 耶希斯, Professor of 新闻与数字媒体 and Associate Dean, 艺术与人文学院. 课程由教师讲授 视觉研究, 新闻 & 数字媒体, 写作与修辞,除了工作的专业人士. For more information about the program, contact Professor Heath: jennah@problemidipeso.com


You’ll work with your faculty mentors to connect with internships at an array of workplaces. 科技初创企业, 大公司, 新闻编辑室和公关/营销公司, non-profits and the Austin Film Festival all seek qualified digital storytellers and content creators.


任何在圣。. 爱德华的 may minor in 数字叙事和内容创作. The minor provides a broad-based introduction to the discipline of digital storytelling as well as an opportunity for students to explore — in more depth — a specific concentration.

Students who wish to earn a 数字叙事和内容创作 minor must take the following required coursework, 共计18小时, 外加一门3小时的选修课.

Required Courses: (15 required hours + 1 elective = 18 hours)

  • DSCC 1301 Introduction to 数字叙事和内容创作
  • VISU 1311视觉研究
  • 数字媒体制作与设计
  • 交互式故事叙述
  • DSCC 4331数字化工作场所中的协作